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3D Procedurally Generated Star System with A* Pathfinding Algorithm

A quick, experimental solo project combining a system for procedurally generating a 3D starmap with an A* pathfinding algorithm for finding the shortest path between two nodes following these connections.

This system was designed in such a way as to ensure each node is connected in some form to each other node, as well as balancing the separation of each node to prevent node 'clusters', and improve the clarity and aesthetic design.


Optimised for up to 3500 nodes, with only slight latency for up to 7000. For further expansion there were plans for sector based design, inspired by the Long Distance Pathfinding in Factorio, where a second A* algorithm would be used between 'Sectors', I.e. 10x10x10 sets of nodes. This would help boost performance while allowing much larger star systems.

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